_ _ _____ _______ _____ _____ _ _ [ ]\ /[ ] [___ ] [__ __] [ ___] [ ___] [ ] [ ] [ ] \/ [ ] / / [ ] [ ]__ [ ] [ ]___[ ] [ ]\ /[ ] / / [ ] [ __] [ ] [ ___ ] [ ] \/ [ ] _ / /__ _ [ ] [ ]___ [ ]___ [ ] [ ] [_] [_] [_] [_____] [_] [_] [_____] [_____] [_] [_] ________________________________________________________________ [ _________________________M.Z._Tech__________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 1914 Huntington Lane, Redondo Beach, Ca. 90278 [ ] [ ] Phone: (213)376-5372, 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. [ ] [ ] Modem: (213)379-3796, 300-19200 Baud, 8/N/1, 24 Hours. [ ] [ ]____________________________________________________________[ ] [ ____________________________________________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] The best prices for Atari Related Products! [ ] [ ] We will try to beat any price! [ ] [ ]____________________________________________________________[ ] [________________________________________________________________] _______________________________________________________________________ [ ___________________________________________________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Hardware Price List [ ] [ ] October 7,1991 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ____________________________ICD_Products___________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 36" DMA Cable $21.00 [ ] [ ] Omti MFM Controller $115.00 [ ] [ ] Omti RLL Controller $138.00 [ ] [ ] 155MG Tape $55.00 [ ] [ ] 155MG Tape Backup $875.00 [ ] [ ] SCSI Hard Drive Kit $265.00 [ ] [ ] ADSCSI Host Adaptor with Clock $95.00 [ ] [ ] ADSCSI Host Adaptor with Clock (Mega) $80.00 [ ] [ ] Host Adaptor MFM with Controller $210.00 [ ] [ ] ADSpeed 16MHz Accellerator Board $225.00 [ ] [ ] ADSpeed 16MHz Accellerator Board (STE) $240.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ___________________________Atari_Products__________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 3.5" DS/DD External Floppy Drive $170.00 [ ] [ ] Mega File 30 Hard Drive $360.00 [ ] [ ] Mega File 60 Hard Drive $610.00 [ ] [ ] Mega File 44 Removable Cart Hard Drive $710.00 [ ] [ ] SC1435 Stereo Color Monitor $340.00 [ ] [ ] SC124 Monochrome Monitor $155.00 [ ] [ ] SLM 605 Laser Printer $999.95 [ ] [ ] Mouse $45.00 [ ] [ ] Laser Printer Toner (Initial SLM 804) $64.95 [ ] [ ] Laser Printer Toner (Regular SLM 804) $54.95 [ ] [ ] Laser Printer Toner (SLM 605) $29.95 [ ] [ ] Laser Printer Drum (SLM 804) $190.00 [ ] [ ] Laser Printer Drum (SLM 605) $140.00 [ ] [ ] Atari 1040 STE $385.00 [ ] [ ] Atari 520 STE $335.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ______________________Digital_Vision_Products______________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Color ComputerEyes $179.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _______________________Dreampark_Developement______________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Power Drive 3.5" External $200.00 [ ] [ ] Power Drive Internal Modification Kit $135.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _____________________Imported_European_Products____________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] AT Once 80286 IBM Emulator $325.00 [ ] [ ] AT Once Mega ST Adaptor $70.00 [ ] [ ] AT Once STE Adaptor $70.00 [ ] [ ] Forget Me Clock II $50.00 [ ] [ ] Laser Printer Controller $110.00 [ ] [ ] AT Speed 286 IBM Emulator $360.00 [ ] [ ] AT Speed 16C 286 IBM Emulator Call [ ] [ ] AT Speed Mega ST Bridgeboard $75.00 [ ] [ ] AT Speed STE Adaptor $75.00 [ ] [ ] PC Speed IBM Emulator $175.00 [ ] [ ] Autoswitch Overscan $105.00 [ ] [ ] High Density Floppy Module $80.00 [ ] [ ] XTRA-RAM 2.5 Meg Upgrade Board $120.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _____________________Fast_Technologies_Products____________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Turbo 16 Accelerator Board $260.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ____________________1ST_Stop_Computers_Products____________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Duplitwix Blitz Cable with Software $55.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _____________________Gadgets_By_Small_Products_____________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Spectre GCR Macintosh Emulator $225.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _____________________Hybrid_Arts,_Inc._Products____________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 5 foot MIDI Cable Set (2 pack) $8.99 [ ] [ ] FM Melody Maker with Software $110.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ________________________IB_Computer_Products_______________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] IB Drive 5.25" 40 Track $180.00 [ ] [ ] Multi-Sync Ground Line Adaptor $19.95 [ ] [ ] Multi-Sync Monitor Switch Box $75.00 [ ] [ ] Multi-Sync Power Supply $9.95 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ________________Joppa_Software_Developement_Products_______________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Joppa FAX $140.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ____________________________JRI_Products___________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] JRI Super Genlock (Mega ST) $660.00 [ ] [ ] JRI Standard Genlock (Mega ST) $560.00 [ ] [ ] JRI RAM Upgrade Board (Type C) $110.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ____________Konyo_International_(Golden_Image)_Products____________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Master 3S, 3.5" DS/DD Floppy Drive $130.00 [ ] [ ] Master 3S-D, 3.5" DS/DD Floppy Drive [ ] [ ] with LED Track Read-Out $150.00 [ ] [ ] Master 5S, 5.25" 40/80 Track [ ] [ ] Floppy Drive $185.00 [ ] [ ] Opto-Mechanical Mouse $40.00 [ ] [ ] Fully Optical Mouse $65.00 [ ] [ ] Hand Scanner with Touch-Up Software $285.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ______________________Lantech_Systems_Products_____________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] LAN Startup Kit (Two Nodes) $300.00 [ ] [ ] LAN Additional Node $150.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _________________________Michtron_Products_________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Fast FAX $610.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _______________________Migraph,_Inc._Products______________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Hand Scanner with Touch-Up Software $275.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _____________________Nice_and_Software_Products____________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 48" Hard Drive Cable $25.95 [ ] [ ] DMA Switchbox $69.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ __________________________Okimate_Products_________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Okilaser 400 Laser Printer $700.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ____________________Practical_Solutions_Products___________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Drive Master $35.00 [ ] [ ] Monitor Master $35.00 [ ] [ ] Cordless Mouse $100.00 [ ] [ ] Mouse Master $30.00 [ ] [ ] Tweety Board $35.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _________________________RIO_Datel_Products________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Supercharger IBM Emulator $400.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _____________________Rombo_Productions_Products____________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Vidi-ST Video Digitizer $140.00 [ ] [ ] Vidi-ST RGB Splitter $110.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _______________________Seymor/Radix_Products_______________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] DVT VCR Hard Drive Backup $80.00 [ ] [ ] IMG Scan $60.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _____________________Supra_Corporation_Products____________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Supra 2400 MNP2-5 Modem $150.00 [ ] [ ] Supra 2400 Plus (MNP/V.42) Modem $190.00 [ ] [ ] Supra 2400 Modem $100.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ __________________________Syquest_Products_________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] SQ-400 44MB Cartridges $90.00 [ ] [ ] SQ-555 44MB Removable Cartridge Drive $400.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ________________________Talon_Tech_Products________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Beetle Mouse $49.95 [ ] [ ] Omniswitch $80.00 [ ] [ ] TC Power Memory Expander $49.95 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ______________________Wuztek_Omnimon_Products______________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] D.E.K.A. External Keyboard Adaptor $95.00 [ ] [ ] Omnimon Rainbow Monitor (All res.) $505.00 [ ] [ ] Omnimon Hi-Fi Speakers (Pair) $65.00 [ ] [ ] Xwitchit Monitor Switch $39.95 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ _____________________Zubair_Interfaces_Products____________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 1-Megabyte SIMM Module $65.00 [ ] [ ] ST-Time Internal Clock $45.00 [ ] [ ] Z-Keys IBM Keyboard Adaptor $90.00 [ ] [ ] Z-RAM 2 Megabyte Upgrade for Mega II $120.00 [ ] [ ] Z-RAM 2.5 Megabyte Upgrade 520/1040 ST $100.00 [ ] [ ] Z-RAM 3-D/4 Megabyte Upgrade $110.00 [ ] [ ] Z-RAM 3-D/4 Megabyte Upgrade Populated $350.00 [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [ ___________________________________________________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Call for prices on software, and items not listed. [ ] [ ]___________________________________________________________________[ ] [_______________________________________________________________________] ________________________________________________________________ [ __________________________Ordering__________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] To order, send Check, Money Order, or Cashiers Check [ ] [ ] payable to M.Z. Tech. Add 5% Shipping for continental [ ] [ ] USA, 10% for Canada, Hawaii, Alaska, and 15% for Foreign [ ] [ ] orders. California residents add 8.25% Tax. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] All orders are shipped UPS Ground, or U.S. Mail Ground. [ ] [ ] Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. [ ] [ ]____________________________________________________________[ ] [________________________________________________________________] ________________________________________________________________ [ ____________________________NOTE____________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] M.Z. Tech is Licensed by the State of California. [ ] [ ]____________________________________________________________[ ] [ ____________________________________________________________ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] All Trademarks and Copyrights are property of thier [ ] [ ] respective companies. [ ] [ ]____________________________________________________________[ ] [________________________________________________________________]